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释义 [jué]1.(断绝) cut off; sever:绝其后路cut off his retreat;掌声不绝prolonged applause;自绝于人民alienate oneself from the people1. (完全没有了; 穷尽; 净尽) exhausted; used up; finished:弹尽粮绝have run out of ammunition and provisions;斩尽杀绝kill all; wipe out the whole lot;方法都用绝了。All possible means and ways have been tried.2. (走不通的; 没有出路的) desperate; hopeless:绝境hopeless situation; impasse3. (独一无二; 特别出色) unique; superb; matchless:拍案叫绝thump the table and praise the excellence of a thing;她的书画可称双绝。Her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art.4. (确定; 肯定) leaving no leeway; making no allowance; uncompromising:不要把话说绝don't be too definitive in what you say;他尽管不同意, 但是没有把话说绝。He disagreed, but he didn't say anything definitive.1. (极; 最) extremely; most:绝大多数most; the overwhelming majority;绝大的错误an egregious error; a grievous fault;绝好的机会an excellent opportunity;绝早extremely early2. (用在否定词前面: 绝对) absolutely; in the least; by any means; on any account:绝不可能 [信]absolutely impossible [unbelievable];绝非偶然by no means fortuitous;绝无此意have absolutely no such intentions1.(绝句) jueju, a poem of four lines




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