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词汇 紧缩
释义 紧缩紧缩[jǐn suō]1.reduce; retrench; tighten; cut down; striction; retrenchment; condensation:紧缩包围圈tighten the ring of encirclement;紧缩编制reduce staff;紧缩开支cut down expenses; retrench; curtail outlay; retrenchment in expenditure;紧缩力度the depth of the economic retrenchment;紧缩生产curtail production;紧缩性财政tight financing policy;拼命紧缩push retrenchment to an extreme;有必要进行紧缩。Retrenchment will be necessary.
常用词组1.紧缩措施 retrenchment measures; contraction measures;2.紧缩贷款 decreasing credit;3.紧缩辊 draw roll;4.紧缩行 row merger;5.紧缩计划 austerity program;6.紧缩率 factor;7.紧缩轮 guy tightener;8.紧缩时期 period of contraction;9.紧缩财政[信贷] tighten control over finance [credits; loans]; tightening of credit;10.紧缩银根 limiting the growth of the money supply; tight money policy;11.紧缩政策 deflation policy




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