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释义 [lì]1. (站) stand; remain in an erect position:站立remain standing;直立stand straight;肃立stand up and remain silent2. (使竖立; 使物件的上端向上) erect; stand; set up:立旗杆erect a flagstaff;把杆子立在这儿stand the pole here;他们立了一座铜像[纪念碑]纪念他。They set up a bronze statue [monument] to his memory.3. (建立; 制定) found; establish; set up:立国found a state;立业establish a business;立下规矩draw up a set of rules;他们决定为此专立一项基金。They decided to set up a fund for this purpose.4. (订立) sign; conclude:立约make an agreement; conclude a treaty;立字据sign a note5. (存在; 生存) exist; live:自立stand on one's own feet; support oneself;独立stand alone; be on one's own feet;过去这块地不立苗。In the past nothing could grow on this tract of land.6. (指君主即位) ascend the throne7. (确定继承地位) appoint; adopt:立嗣appoint an heir;立某人为继承人adopt a person as an heir1.(直立的) upright; vertical; erect:立式发动机an upright engine1.(立刻) immediately; at once; right away:立奏奇效get the remarkable result right away1.(姓氏) a surname:立坤Li Kun




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