释义 |
游游[yóu] 动1.■ (人或动物在水里行动) swim:游过一条河swim across [over] a river;游回岸边swim back to the shore;你能潜游吗?Can you swim under the water?他们游泳游了一个下午。They swam all afternoon.鱼在 水里游来游去。The fish swim about in the water.2.■ (各处从容地行走; 闲逛) rove around; wander; travel; tour:周游世界travel round the world; go on a world tour;他游遍了法国。He travelled France from end to end.3.■ [书] (交游; 来往) associate with:交游甚广have a wide circle of acquaintances 形1.■(不固定的;经常移动的) roving; itinerant:游民vagrant 名1.■ (江河的一段) part of a river; reach:上[下, 中]游the upper [lower, middle] reaches (of a river)2.■ (姓氏) a surname:游远You Yuan |