释义 |
牌牌[pái]名1.■ (牌子,用做提示、奖励、凭证等的东西) plate; tablet; board; placard:布告牌notice board;车牌儿number plate (on a vehicle);路牌signpost; street nameplate;门牌儿doorplate;招牌shop sign; signboard2.■ (牌子, 商品的专用名称) brand; trademark:长城牌Great Wall brand;名牌儿货goods of a well-known brand;我们有各种名牌葡萄酒和烈性酒。We have the best brand of wines and spirits.3.■ (娱乐用品) cards, dominoes, etc.:打牌play (at) cards;发牌deal cards;你得先洗牌,然后再倒牌和发牌。You have to shuffle the cards before the cut for deal.在桥牌游戏中,每一位牌手拿到13张牌。In bridge, each player is dealt thirteen cards.4.■ (词曲的调子) the tunes of ci or qu |