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词汇 消费
释义 消费消费[xiāo fèi]1.consume; consumption
常用词组1.消费不足 underconsumption; inadequate consumption; limiting consumption;2.消费不足理论 under-consumption theory;3.消费产品 consumption product; consumer goods;4.消费城市 consumer-city;5.消费贷款 consumer loans; consumption credit;6.消费方式[模式] pattern of consumption;7.消费高涨 spending boom; consumption boom;8.消费革命 consumption revolution;9.消费公众 consuming public;10.消费构成 structure of consumer demand;11.消费函数 consumption function;12.消费合作 consumptive cooperation;13.消费合作社 consumer's cooperative; consumers' cooperative society; consumers' cooperative association;14.消费化 consumerization;15.消费基金 consumption fund; funds for consumption;16.消费技术 consumption technology;17.消费价格指数 consumer price index;18.消费借款 consumption loan;19.消费经济学 consumer economics;20.消费决策 {经} consumer decision;21.消费可能性边缘 consumption possibility frontier;22.消费国联合组织 Common Organization of Consuming Countries;23.消费合作社 consumer's co-operatives;24.消费量 amount of consumption;25.消费倾向 propensity to consume;26.消费区 consumption area;27.消费生活方式 consumer lifestyles;28.消费失调 imbalance of consumption;29.消费市场 {经} consumer market;30.消费水平 level of consumption; standards of consumption; consumption level;31.消费税 consumption tax [duty]; excise tax; tax on consumption; excise; excise duty;32.消费通货膨胀 consumption inflation;33.消费物价指数 consumer price index;34.消费习惯 consumption custom;35.消费信贷 unproductive credit; consumer's [consumption] credit; consumer credit;36.消费信贷公司 consumer finance company;37.消费信用 consumer credit;38.消费主义consumerism (指以消费来刺激经济发展);39.消费状况 condition of consumption;40.消费资料 consumption goods; consumer goods; means of consumption;41.消费资料分配 distribution of the means of consumption;42.消费资料(的)生产 production means of consumer goods




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