释义 |
索索[suǒ] 名1.■ (大绳子;大链子) a large rope:船索ship's rigging;绞索(the hangman's) noose;麻索hempen rope;铁索桥chain bridge2.■ (姓氏) a surname:索超Suo Chao 动1.■ (搜寻; 寻找) search:遍索不得search high and low for sth. in vain;欲索珍珠就要潜到水底。He who would search for pearls must dive below.2.■ (要; 取) demand; ask; exact:索价ask a price; charge;索赔claim damages;索债demand payment of a debt 形1.■[书]2.■ (孤单) all alone; all by oneself:离群索居live all alone3.■ (没有意味) dull; insipid |