词汇 | 给 1 |
释义 | 给给[gěi] 动1.■ (送对方某物; 使对方得到) give; grant:给敌人一个严重的打击give the enemy a hard blow;给某人3天假grant sb. three days' leave;给企业注入新的活力instil new vitality into enterprises;给妈妈一件礼物give one's mother a gift;他们给了他5分钟来做决定。They gave him five minutes to decide.2.■ (用在动词后, 表示交与, 付出) pass; pay:付给某人5元钱pay sb. five dollars;把某物递给他pass him sth.;贡献给祖国dedicate to our motherland;信已交给他了。I've handed the letter to him.3.■ (叫; 让) let; allow:不给他看。Don't allow him to have a look. 介1.■ (为)for; to:你给我们唱个歌好吗?Will you sing a song for us?他给我们当翻译。He serves as an interpreter for us.他给她送去了一束花。He sent her a bunch of flowers.2.■ (被) by:报纸给风吹走了。The newspaper was blown away by the wind.我们的衣服给汗水湿透了。Our clothes were soaked with sweat. 助1.■(用在表示被动、处置等意思的谓语动词前,以加强语气):叫雨给淋湿了got wet in the rain;我把那件事给忘了。I've forgot the matter.另见 jǐ。 |
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