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词汇 片 2
释义 [piàn]1. (平而薄的东西) a flat, thin piece; slice; flake:玻璃片儿bits and pieces of glass;布片儿small pieces of cloth;面包片slices of bread; sliced bread;牛肉片slices of beef;碎纸片儿scraps of paper;雪片snowflakes;皂片soap flakes2. (较大地区内划分的较小地区) part of a place; subdivision of an area:分片包干divide up the work and assign a part to each individual or group1.(用刀切成薄片) cut into slices; pare:片肉片儿slice meat;片鱼片儿flake a fish1.(不全的; 零星的; 简短的) incomplete; fragmentary; partial; brief:片言a few words;只言片语a word or two; a few isolated words and phrases1. (用于成片的东西):两片儿安眠药two sleeping tablets;一片儿面包a slice of bread;一片枫叶a maple leaf2. (用于地面和水面等):一片草地a tract of meadow;一片土地a stretch of land;一片汪洋a vast sheet [expanse] of water3. (用于景色、气象、声音、语言、心意等):一片丰收景象a vast countryside busy bringing in bumper crops;一片欢腾a scene of great rejoicing;一片脚步声a patter of footsteps;一片漆黑a pall of darkness;一片真心in all sincerity另见 piān。




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