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词汇 突然
释义 突然突然[tū rán]1.sudden; abrupt; unexpected; suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly:突然失败come a cropper;突然离开话题go [fly] off at a tangent; go off on a tangent;突然停止suddenly stop;这消息实在太突然了。This news is really much too sudden;下午天突然下雨了。In the afternoon it rained suddenly.如果他今晚突然出现, 我并不感到惊讶。I shouldn't be surprised if he cropped up this evening.
常用词组1.突然爆发 flare; flare-up;2.突然闭合 snap;3.突然变异 halmatogenesis; saltatory variation;4.突然冲击 jab;5.突然脆性破坏 abruptly brittle rupture;6.突然发出 burgeon; bourgeon;7.突然发射 burst emission;8.突然发生 upcropping;9.突然放水冲洗法 booming;10.突然横转 {船} broach;11.突然考试 drop quiz;12.突然漏气 blowout (充气箱工作室);13.突然落下 tumbling;14.突然蔓延 outbreak;15.突然倾斜 lurch;16.突然燃烧 flare-up;17.突然闪耀 flare-up;18.突然失败 [转变] flop;19.突然失效 catastrophic failure; {半} sudden failure;20.突然事件 emergency;21.突然停车 hard shutdown;22.突然停机 drop-dead halt;23.突然停止 check; balking;24.突然停住 crash stop;25.突然袭击 surprise attack;26.突然下降 tumbling; flop;27.突然消退 delitescence;28.突然性 emergentness;29.突然迅速扩大 epidemic;30.突然一阵 puff;31.突然中断 prerupt;32.突然中止 fetch-up;33.突然转弯 pitchout




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