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词汇 禁止
释义 禁止禁止[jìn zhǐ]1.prohibit; ban; forbid:禁止言论自由lay an embargo on free speech;禁止奢侈品put a ban on luxuries;全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons;该影片被审查官员禁止上映。The film came under the ban of censor.那时任何外国人都禁止进入该地。Entrance to the place was then forbidden to all foreigners.禁止超车。No overtaking.禁止入内。No admittance.禁止通行。No thoroughfare.禁止倒垃圾。No garbage here.禁止招贴。Post no bills.
常用词组1.禁止标志 prohibitory sign;2.禁止操作(计) quiescing;3.禁止超车区 no-passing zone;4.禁止打印 non-print;5.禁止打印指令 nonprint instruction;6.禁止电路 inhibit circuit;7.禁止干扰 inhibit noise;8.禁止进口 import embargo;9.禁止脉冲 inhibit pulse; inhibiter pulse; disabling pulse;10.禁止门 INHIBITORY-gate; exclusion gate; except gate; subjunction gate; AND NOT-gate; A AND NOT B gate; A except B gate;11.禁止器 inhibitor; inhibiter;12.禁止输入 inhibiting input; inhibitory input;13.禁止停车 parking ban;14.禁止线 inhibit wire;15.禁止写入环 write-inhibit ring;16.禁止信号 inhibit signal; inhibiting signal; locking signal;17.禁止中断 disable; disabled; disabled interruption; interrupt disable; interrupt inhib;18.禁止组合 forbidden combination




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