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词汇 投入
释义 投入投入[tóu rù]1.put into; throw into; input; investment in:投入大量资金invest much capital in;积极投入工作throw oneself into work actively;投入战斗throw (oneself, troops, etc.) into the battle;投入祖国的怀抱return to one's own country;投入生产put into production; go into operation;投入怀抱nestle in the arms of sb.;投入运行bringing into service;在这部作品上投入了5年的劳动put in five years' labour to the work
常用词组1.投入产出比 input-output ratio;2.投入产出分析 input-output analysis;3.投入产出管理 input-output management;4.投入产出经济学 input-output economics;5.投入产出矩阵 input-output matrix;6.投入产出模型 input-output model;7.投入产出系数 input-output coefficient;8.投入转换-产出 input-transformation-output;9.投入资本 capital invested; vested proprietorship; capital input; contributed capital; vested capital; invested capital; venture capital;10.投入资本所得率 rate of return on invested capital




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