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释义 [pāi]1. (用手或工具轻轻地打) clap; pat; beat; slap:拍掉身上的土pat one's clothes to get the dust off;拍球bounce a ball;拍手clap one's hands;拍桌子大骂strike the table and pour out a stream of abuse;他轻轻地在我背上拍了一下。He patted me gently on the back.她用报纸拍虫子。She flapped a newspaper at the insect.2. (挥动翅膀) flap; beat:拍翅膀flap[beat] wings;那只鸟拍着翅膀慢慢地飞走了。The bird flapped slowly off.这只鸟迅速拍动双翅,继续飞行。The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on.3. (浪涛冲击) lash; beat; lap:惊涛拍岸mighty waves beating the shore;波浪轻拍海滩。Waves lapped on the beach.4. (发电报等) send (a telegram, etc.):拍电报send a telegram5. (拍摄) take (a picture); shoot:拍电影shoot [make] a film;拍照take a photo [picture];这部小说已拍成电影了。This novel has been made into a film.这部影片是在大连拍的。This film was shot in Dalian.6. [口] (拍马屁) flatter; fawn on:能吹会拍be good at boasting and toadying;拍马lick sb.'s boots; flatter1. (拍东西的用具) bat; racket:苍蝇拍儿flyswatter;乒乓球拍ping-pong bat; table-tennis bat;网球拍tennis racket2. {音} (节奏; 拍子) beat; time:合[不合]拍on [off] the beats;一小节四拍four beats in [to] a bar;他的演唱与音乐不合拍。His singing was out of time with music.这歌是几拍的?—是4/4拍的。What time is the song in? -- It's in four-four time.




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