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释义 [fàng]1. (解除约束; 使自由) release; set free; let go:释放release; set free;不放他走won't let him go;抓住绳子不放won't let go of the rope;解放emancipate; liberate;放开搞活allow flexibility;放开手脚give ... a free hand to;把俘虏放了release the captives;把游泳池里的水放掉let the water out of the swimming pool2. (在一定的时间停止) stop:放学(of school) close;放工knock off3. (放纵) give way to; let oneself go:放声大笑laugh a hearty laugh;放言高论have a highflown talk;放声歌唱sing heartily;放声大哭cry loudly and bitterly4. (把牛羊等赶到草地里吃草) put out to pasture; let off for prey:放羊let off sheep to pasture;放牛put cattle out to pasture; pasture [graze] cattle;放鹰release a hawk for prey;放鸭tend ducks5. (把人驱逐到边远的地方) send away:流放send into exile;下放农村send to the countryside6. (发出) give out:放箭shoot arrow;放炮fire guns;放焰火set off fireworks;放风筝fly a kite7. (点燃)light; fire:放爆竹light firecrackers;放火set on fire8. (借钱给人, 收取利息) lend money for interest:放款make loans; loan;放高利贷practise usury9. (扩展) expand; enlarge; let out:放宽一寸let out an inch;放松一点loosen it a little10. (花开) blossom:心花怒放be wild with joy;百花齐放a hundred flowers in bloom;一花独放。A flower blooms alone.11. (搁置) lay aside; leave alone; put aside:先放一放lay it aside for the moment;放在一边put aside12. (弄倒) fell:上山放树go up the mountain to fell trees13. (使处于一定的位置) place; put:把书放在书架上put the book on the shelf;放回原处place where it is;把人民的利益放在个人利益之上place the interests of the people above personal interests14. (加进去) add; put in:放点糖put in a little bit of sugar;菜里多放点酱油。Put a bit more soy sauce in the food [dish].15. (控制自己) readjust oneself to a certain extent:放稳重些。Be sedate.;放老实点(儿)!You behave yourself!;脚步放轻些。Tread softly.把速度放慢点(儿)。Slow down a little.16.⑯ (放映) show:放幻灯show slides;放录像turn on the videocorder;放电视turn on the TV17.⑰ (保存) keep:存放银行deposit in the bank;安放put away in safe place1.(姓氏) a surname:放齐Fang Qi




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