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词汇 抑制
释义 抑制抑制[yì zhì]1. (控制) restrain; control; check; hold-up; curb; stop; repress; bridle; choke; prehension; suppression; anticatalysis:抑制感情control one's emotion; keep a tight lid on one's feelings;对 ... 加以抑制exercise its restraints upon ...;利用辐射抑制洋葱发芽check the sprouting of onions by radiation;抑制通货膨胀bring down the inflation;我们分手时, 我怎么能抑制住眼泪?How shall I refrain from tears when we part?对他们这种无动于衷的态度, 她抑制不住心头的怒火。She shouldn't restrain her anger at this insensible attitude of theirs.2. {生理} depressing; {生物} inhibition:有些药剂会对正常的身体功能产生抑制作用。Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.3. {自} restraint
常用词组1.抑制比 rejection ratio;2.抑制边带 suppressed sideband;3.抑制带 inhibition zone; rejection band; stop band;4.抑制点 inhibition point;5.抑制电流 curb;6.抑制电路 killer circuit;7.抑制电阻 controlling resistance;8.抑制发射机 curb transmitter;9.抑制阀 check valve;10.抑制分解阶段 arrested decay;11.抑制分泌作用 secretoinhibitory;12.抑制干扰 barrage jamming;13.抑制管 killer tube;14.抑制后回跳 post-inhibitory rebound;15.抑制基因 suppressor; inhibitor gene;16.抑制基因突变 suppressor mutation;17.(神经)抑制机能减退 hypocolasia; hypokolasia;18.抑制级 killer stage19.(彩色通路);抑制交感素 synpathin;20.抑制进口关税 prohibitive import duties;21.抑制力 restraint; constraining force;22.抑制滤波器 rejects trap;23.抑制脉冲 suppressor pulse; suppression pulse;24.抑制敏感突变型 suppressor sensitive mutant;25.抑制浓度 inhibition concentration;26.抑制排卵药 anovulant;27.抑制频带 rejection band;28.抑制频率 blanketing frequency;29.抑制频率漂移装置 anti-creep device;30.抑制期 inhibition period;31.抑制球虫剂 coccidiostat;32.抑制栅极 {电子} suppressor; suppressor grid;33.抑制神经 {生} inhibitory nerve;34.抑制时间延迟 suppressed time delay;35.抑制试验 {免疫} inhibition test;36.抑制素 inhibin;37.抑制态 aepression;38.抑制特性 rejection characteristic;39.抑制天线 suppressing antenna;40.抑制调制器 suppressed modulator;41.抑制物 mortifier; suppressant; arrestant;42.抑制细胞 {免疫} suppressor cell;43.抑制相 {化} inhibitory phase;44.抑制消费 inhibit consumption;45.抑制效应 depression effect;46.抑制信号 inhibiting signal;47.抑制需求 restrain demand;48.抑制氧化 retarded oxidation;49.抑制药 {医} depressant;50.抑制因子 inhibiting factor; inhibitor;51.抑制因子突变 suppressor mutation;52.抑制元件 straining element;53.抑制杂波 clutter reduction;54.抑制栽培 retarding culture;55.抑制指数 {生化} inhibition index;56.抑制致死 Y-suppressed lethal;57.抑制作用 inhibitory action




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