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词汇 把 1
释义 [bǎ]1. (执; 握住) grasp; hold:把卷hold a book in hand;紧紧把着枪grasp the gun tightly;把住栏杆hold on to a railing2. (看守; 把守) guard; watch; keep:把大门guard a gate3. (掌握; 控制; 把持; 把揽 ) control; dominate; monopolize:把好舵be firm at the helm;把着不放手keep a tight control on things4. (帮助小孩大小便) assist child in natural functions:把屎把尿hold a baby while he relieves himself5. [方] (用做; 当做; 含“拿”的意思) use sth. as; regard as:把来做伞use as a substitute for an umbrella ;把这当一回事take [regard] the matter seriously6. [方] (给) give:一向没把得你have not given it to you so far7. (约束住使不裂开) chain; lock:把住裂缝mend the crack8. [口] (紧靠) lean against; lean on:把墙角站着lean against a corner formed by two walls1. (把手) handle:自行车把the handlebar of a bicycle2. (扎在一起的捆子) bundle; bunch:草把a bundle of straw;秫秸把a bundle of stalk1. (用于有柄的器具) used before objects with handles or things to take hold of:一把椅子a chair;一把雨伞an umbrella2. (指可以一手抓起的数量) a handful of:一把麻绳a handful of hemp;一把花a bunch of flowers;一把筷子a bundle of chopsticks;一把米a handful of rice;一把瓜子a handful of melon seeds3. (用于抽象事物) used before abstract things:一把好手be adept at; a past master; a good hand in;上了一把年纪be getting on in years;有把力气be quite strong;加把劲put on a spurt4. (用于手的动作) used in things done with hands:帮他一把give [lend] him a hand;拉他一把give him a tug1.(用于数字或度量后, 表示“大约; 左右”) about; or so:百把人about a hundred persons; some hundred people;年把日子about a year long;个把月a month or so; about a month1. (宾语是后面动词的承受者, 意思和“将”一样):把门关上close the door;把任务完成fulfill the task;把头一扭toss one's head;把工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来shift the focus of our work to socialist modernization;把国民经济搞上去push the national economy forward;把发展生产力作为全部工作的中心put the expansion of the productive forces at the centre of all our work;把生的希望让给别人,把死的危险留给自己run a risk of death on oneself and leave the hope of survival to others2. (后面的动词是“忙、累、急、气”等加上表示结果的补语, 有“致使”之意):把他乐坏了excited him very much;这一趟可真把他累坏了。That trip really tired him out.3. (宾语是后面动词的执行者, 表示不如意之事):偏偏把他拉在后面just left himself far behind另见 bà。




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