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词汇 拉 1
释义 [lā]1. (用力使朝自己所在的方向或跟着自己移动) pull; drag; draw; tug:拉网draw a net in;拉人力车pull a rickshaw;拉风箱work the bellows;你推我拉。You push and I'll pull.他把我拉到一边, 给我讲了他听到的情况。He drew me aside to tell me what he had heard.逃犯从他躲藏的地方给拉了出来。The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding-place.我们把船拉到岸边。We tugged the boat in to shore.2. (用车载运) convey by vehicles; haul; transport; carry:开卡车拉货drive a truck to carry cargo;拖拉机把肥料拉走了。The tractor hauled the fertilizer away.3. (带领转移) move:把伤兵拉到后方move the wounded soldiers to the rear4. (演奏乐器) play (certain musical instruments):拉小提琴[手风琴]play the violin [accordion]5. (拖长; 使延长) drag out; draw out; space out:拉下脸pull a long face;拉长声音唱drawl;拉开距离space out; leave distances in between;他把金属烧热, 并将它拉成一条长线。He heated the metal and drew it out into a long wire.6. [方] (抚养) bring up:拉大了三个孩子brought up three children;我是由姑姑拉大的。I was brought up by my paternal aunt.7. (帮助) help; assist:拉他一把give [lend] him a helping hand8. (牵累; 拉扯) implicate; drag in; involve in:被拉进了那场纠纷中be implicated in the trouble;自己做的事, 为什么要拉上别人?Why drag in others when it was all your own doing?9. (拉拢; 联络) solicit; draw in; canvass; win over:拉股solicit shareholders;拉选票canvass votes10. [方] (闲谈) chat:拉家常have a chat; engage in chitchat11. (逼迫) press:拉壮丁grab sb. for military service; press-gang; forcibly conscript;拉民工press sb. to work on a project12. (欠账) owe:拉一屁股债be in great debt; owe a mountain of debts13. (排泄) empty the bowels:拉肚子have loose bowels;又吐又拉suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea14. (乒乓球技法之一) lift15. (摧毁; 折断) destroy; smash; break:摧枯拉朽break a dead branch from a tree; (as easy as) crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood1.(拉丁美洲的简称) short for Latin America另见 lá; lǎ; là。




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