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词汇 断裂
释义 断裂断裂[duàn liè]1.break; disrupt; flying-off; fracture; fragmentation; out-break; rift; crack; bursting; rupture; rending; tearing; segmentation
常用词组1.断裂标志 signs of failure;2.断裂长度 breaking length;3.断裂次数 breaks;4.断裂带 {地质} riftzone; fault zone; fracture zone;5.断裂倒转褶皱 {地质} faulted overfold;6.断裂地槽 {地质} taphrogeosyncline;7.断裂点 breakaway [breaking] point; point of fracture;8.断裂分析图 fracture analysis diagram;9.断裂分殖 {生物} fragmentation;10.断裂缝 faulted joint;11.断裂负载 breaking load;12.断裂概率 fracture probability;13.断裂谷 rift valley;14.断裂过程 fracture process;15.断裂荷载 breaking load;16.断裂机理 fracture mechanism;17.断裂基因 split gene;18.断裂极限强度 fracture limit strength;19.断裂剂 clastogen; chopper;20.断裂极限 break limit;21.断裂力矩 breaking moment;22.断裂力学 fracture mechanics; mechanics of fracture;23.断裂面 plane of disruption; surface of fracture;24.断裂模数 modulus of rupture;25.断裂磨耗 {力} fracture wear;26.断裂能 energy to failure;27.断裂剖面 fracture section;28.断裂强度 breaking strength [tenacity]; fracture [rupture] strength;29.断裂丘陵 broken hills;30.断裂区域 region of fracture;31.断裂韧性 fracture toughness (property);32.断裂伸长 extension at break; elongation at rupture;33.断裂试验 destructive [breaking; breaking down; abruption; break; fracture; rupture] test;34.断裂试验仪 folder;35.断裂图 fracture;36.断裂吸收功 absorbed-in-fracture energy;37.断裂位能 fracture potential;38.断裂纹 failure crack;39.断裂系 fault system;40.断裂线 geosutures;41.断裂相对位移 shift;42.断裂形 tear type;43.断裂应变 breaking strain;44.断裂应力 fracture strength; fracture [breaking; rupture] stress; stress to rupture; tearing strain;45.断裂愈合假设 breakage and reunion hypothesis;46.断裂愈合模型 breakage-joining model;47.断裂运动 rhegmagenesis; taphrogenesis; taphrogeny;48.断裂载荷 breaking [crushing] load;49.断裂准则 fracture criterion




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