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词汇 曲线
释义 曲线曲线[qū xiàn]1.{数} curve; bight; bought; profile; net
常用词组1.曲线板 French curve; irregular curve; curve board; spline;2.曲线半径 sweep;3.曲线笔 swivel pen; contour pen;4.曲线变换 curvilinear transformation;5.曲线表 curve table;6.曲线并集 curve union;7.曲线[波形]发生器 curve generator;8.曲线槽 cam slot;9.曲线测长计 rotameter;10.曲线测设 {地测} curve ranging;11.曲线产生器 curve generator;12.曲线超高 superrelation on curve;13.曲线尺 spline;14.曲线齿锥齿轮 conical gear with curved teeth;15.曲线丛 complex of curves;16.曲线定规 curve rulers;17.曲线读出器 curve reader;18.曲线分析器 curve analyzer;19.曲线峰点 high;20.曲线副法线球面指标 {数} spherical indicatrix of binormal to a curve;21.曲线复示器 curve follower;22.曲线复示器式函数发生器 curve-follower function generator;23.曲线跟随器 curve follower;24.曲线关系 curved line relation;25.曲线规 curve gauge;26.曲线轨迹 curvilinear path;27.曲线航法表 {航海} traverse table;28.曲线航行 {航海} traverse;29.曲线航行法 {航空} {航海} traverse sailing;30.曲线横断面 curved cross-section;31.曲线缓变弯折处 soft knee;32.曲线回归 {统} curvilinear regression;33.曲线汇 congruence of curves;34.曲线绘制器[仪] plotting device;35.曲线计 opisometer;36.曲线畸变{光} curvilinear distortion;37.曲线交叉 curved intersection;38.曲线角 curvilinear angle;39.曲线校正 {土} curvature correction;40.曲线截锯 lock saw;41.曲线近似压缩法 curve-fitting compaction;42.曲线锯 sweep-saw; turning saw; coping saw; scroll saw; compass saw;43.曲线连接杆 offset link;44.曲线梁 camber beam;45.曲线邻域 neighbourhood of a curve;46.曲线流动 quasi flow;47.曲线论 curve theory;48.曲线描绘器[仪] curve plotter;49.曲线磨床 profile grinder;50.曲线磨削 camber grinding;51.曲线拟合 curve-fitting;52.曲线拟合法 curve-fitting method; curve-fitting;53.曲线拟合压缩 [精简数据法] curve-fitting compaction;54.曲线起点 origin of curve;55.曲线桥 curved bridge;56.曲线球 bender;57.曲线积法 volume-curve method;58.曲线设定 curve setting;59.曲线设计 streamlining;60.曲线式 curvilinear style;61.曲线式样精简数据法 curve-pattern compaction;62.曲线收敛 curve convergence;63.曲线输出机[器] curve follower;64.曲线特性 curve characteristic;65.曲线图 diagram of curves; plot; curve; profile; curve diagram;66.曲线图型压缩 curve-pattern compaction;67.曲线图形 curvilinear figure;68.曲线外轨 high rail;69.曲线弯折 kink of curve;70.曲线网 grid;71.曲线网络 curvilinear net;72.曲线微分几何学 differential geometry;73.曲线斜率 slope of curve;74.曲线型式 curve profile;75.曲线形 shaped form;76.曲线形上弦杆 curved top chord;77.曲线形下弦杆 curved bottom chord;78.曲线形阴极 curved cathode;79.曲线修匀 graduation of curve;80.曲线样板 sweep gauge;81.曲线仪 curvometer;82.曲线因素 curve factor;83.曲线蛹状鱼 Bembrops;84.曲线阅读器 curve follower; {自} graph follower;85.曲线运动 curvilinear motion;86.曲线照相设备 photoplot;87.曲线折减率 curve compensation;88.曲线转折点 curve break;89.曲线锥 curved cone;90.曲线阻力 {力} resistance due to curvature; curve resistance;91.曲线组 set of curves;92.曲线坐标 curvilinear coordinates




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