释义 |
权权(權)[quán] 名1.■ [书] (秤锤) counterpoise; weight (of a steelyard)2.■ (权力) power; authority:当权in power;受权be authorized (to do sth.);行政权administrative power;越权overstep one's authority;警察有权逮捕犯法者。Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.3.■ (权利) right:表决权right to vote;生存权rights for living;特权special right and privilege;选举权和被选举权the right to vote and stand for election;在这个问题上没有发言权not be entitled to speak on the matter; have no say in the matter4.■ (有利的形势)advantageous position:霸权hegemony;制空权mastery of the air;主动权initiative5.■ (权变; 权宜) expediency:通权达变adapt oneself to circumstances6.■ (姓氏) a surname:权德舆Quan Deyu 动1.■[书] (权衡) weigh:权其轻重weigh up one thing against another; weigh up the matter carefully 副1.■(权且; 姑且) tentatively; for the time being:权充act temporarily as; serve as a stopgap for;死马权当活马医doctor a dead horse tentatively as if it were still alive -- not give up for lost |