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词汇 承担
释义 承担承担[chéng dān]1.bear; undertake; assume:承担法律责任bear legal liability;承担风险acceptance of risk;承担经济责任undertake financial responsibility;承担赔偿损失费用respond in damages;承担赔偿责任honor one's liability;承担票据上的义务liable for a bill of exchange;承担一切费用bear all the costs;承担义务commit oneself; be committed to; accept the responsibility for;承担由此而产生的一切严重后果bear responsibility [be held responsible] for all the serious consequences arising therefrom;承担重任take on heavy responsibilities; take a heavy task upon oneself
常用词组1.承担费 commitment fee; (道路)2.承担交通量 carrying traffic; (工业)3.承担能力 ability to take the burden of (industry);4.承担债务 incurred obligation; (价值的)5.承担者 deposit of value; (生产的)6.承担者 agents (of production)




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