词汇 | 承受 |
释义 | 承受承受[chéng shòu]1.■ (承担; 经受) bear; support; endure:承受风险take a risk;承受种种考验endure every kind of trial;人民对物价调整的承受能力the extent to which the price adjustment is acceptable to the people;冰太薄,承受不了你们的重量。The ice is too thin to bear your weight.2.■ (继承) inherit (a legacy, etc.) 常用词组1.■承受棒 absorbing rod;2.■承受冲击 absorb;3.■承受地压块 pressure block;4.■承受码头 sufferance wharf;5.■承受能力 endurance; capacity to stand strain; bearing capability;6.■承受水平 acceptor level;7.■承受推力结构 thrust structure |
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