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词汇 搜索
释义 搜索搜索[sōu suǒ]1. (仔细寻找) search for; ferret about; hunt for; scout around:在山上搜索失事飞机comb the hills for the crashed plane;搜索前进advance and reconnoitre;四处搜索search everywhere for2. {电子} hunting; scan; {控} indexing; {工} search; scout; reconnaissance; acquisition
常用词组1.搜索测频法 scanning frequency measurement;2.搜索测向法 scanning direction finding;3.搜索电路 search circuit;4.搜索队 search;5.搜索法 search method;6.搜索范围 search range; hunting zone;7.搜索方向 direction of search;8.搜索飞机 search plane;9.搜索攻击舰队 search attack unit;10.搜索激光器 acquisition laser;11.搜索技术 search technique;12.搜索接收机 scanning receiver; sweeping receiver; search receiver;13.搜索距离 detection range; indication range; scouting distance; scouting interval;14.搜索空间 searched volume;15.搜索控制 searching control;16.搜索雷达 search radar; spotter;17.搜索雷达站 search radar station; radio search system;18.搜索(理)论 search theory;19.搜索前沿 scouting front;20.搜索区 field of search;21.搜索区间 [域] region of search;22.搜索扫掠 search sweep;23.搜索设备 search equipment;24.搜索声纳 search sonar;25.搜索时间 search time;26.搜索树 search tree;27.搜索速度 search speed; search rate;28.搜索速度控制 search-speed control;29.搜索损耗[失] hunting loss;30.搜索坦克 patrol tank;31.搜索探照 searchlighting;32.搜索天线 search antenna; searchlighting antenna;33.搜索线 scouting line;34.搜索选通脉冲 search gate;35.搜索营救电子设备 search and rescue beacon equipment;36.搜索营救归航设备 {航海} Sarah (search and rescue and homing);37.搜索营救协调中心 search and rescue coordination centre;38.搜索者 hunter;39.搜索周期 hunting period; search cycle




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