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词汇 楼梯
释义 楼梯楼梯[lóu tī]1.stairs; staircase; stairway:上[下]楼梯ascend [descend] stairs;爬了很多层楼梯mount many stairs;摔下楼梯fall off the staircase;一段12级的楼梯a staircase of 12 steps
常用词组1.楼梯帮[侧板] bridgeboard;2.楼梯迭代 treppeniteration;3.楼梯端柱 {土} newel post;4.楼梯段 stairstep; flight;5.楼梯扶手 stair railing;6.楼梯扶手柱头饰垫 miter cap;7.楼梯级距 {房} go;8.楼梯级宽 {土} tread;9.楼梯间 wellhole; staircase;10.楼梯井 well; stairwell;11.楼梯恐怖 climacophobia;12.楼梯栏杆 stair railing;13.楼梯栏杆扶手 balustrade;14.楼梯梁 stair stringer;15.楼梯平台 landing; broadstep;16.楼梯坡度 slope of stairs;17.楼梯石级 stepstone;18.楼梯踏步板 {房} tread;19.楼梯踏步防滑条 non-slip nosings;20.楼梯踏步木块 {木} rough brackets;21.楼梯踏步梁 {木} carriage; carriagepiece; rough string;22.楼梯踏步三角定线板 {房} pitchboard;23.楼梯踏步小突沿 nosing; stair nosing;24.楼梯外侧斜梁 outer string;25.楼梯斜梁 stringer; string; cut string; open string;26.楼梯斜梁侧板 stringboard;27.楼梯斜踏步准线 walking line;28.楼梯行走线 {房} walking line;29.楼梯柱 newel




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