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词汇 排除
释义 排除排除[pái chú]1.get rid of; remove; overcome; eliminate; reject; exclude; trouble shooting:排除一切怀疑的可能exclude all possibility of doubt;排除障碍remove an obstacle; clear away obstacle;排除“左”的和右的干扰eliminate interference from both the “Left” and Right;自杀的可能性已被排除。The possibility of suicide was ruled out.一旦排除了明显的死因, 你就必须考虑到可能有人采取了卑劣手段。Once you have eliminated the obvious causes of death, you must consider the possibility of foul play.
常用词组1.排除错误 debug; trouble shooting;2.排除段 exclusive segment;3.排除法 exclusive method;4.排除干扰 suppress interference;5.排除故障 debug; clearing of a fault; obstacle avoidence; remedy of the trouble; trouble clearing; trouble shoot(ing);6.排除故障阶段 debugging phase;7.排除故障软件 work-around;8.排除计算机故障 debug;9.排除命题 privative proposition;10.排除器 excluder;11.排除窃听器 {电子} debug;12.排除体积 excluded volume;13.排除条款 exclusion clause;14.排除药 eliminant; evacuant




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