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词汇 根据
释义 根据根据[gēn jù]1. (依据; 按照) on the basis of; according to; in the light of; in line [accordance] with; based on; (as) per:根据法院命令出售sale by authority of law;根据过去销售出价offer subject to prior sale;根据情节轻重in accordance with the seriousness of the case;根据书面证据作出判决decide in the basis of documentary evidence;根据书面证据作出仲裁裁决decide (a case of arbitration) on the basis of the relevant documents;根据提单所列重量收取运费chargeable weight2. (作为根据的事物) basis; grounds; foundation; reason; bottom:历史根据historical foundation;没有充分的根据without adequate foundation;这些指责没有根据。There is no foundation for the charges.说话要有根据。Statement should be made on the basis of fact.你这样看的根据是什么?What is the basis of [for] your opinion?我的理论是以可靠的事实作为根据的。My theory is established on the solid basis of facts.
常用词组1.根据事件模拟法 event-based simulation




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