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释义 [gēn]1. (植物的营养器官) root (of a plant):树根the root of a tree;连根拔pull up by the root;这棵小树已经扎根了。The young tree has struck root.2. (比喻子孙后代) descendants; posterity:根苗offspring3. {数} (方根的简称) root:立方根cube root4. {化} (指带电的基) radical:氨根ammonia radical5. (物体的下部、底部或某部分和其他东西连着处) base; foot; root:耳根the root of the ear;墙根the foot of a wall;舌根the root of the tongue6. (事物的本原;人的出身底细) the bottom of things; source; origin:祸根the root of trouble [disaster];词根the root of a word;刨根问底get to the bottom of things; inquire into the root of the matter;知根知底know the inside story;追根寻源trace to its source7. (依据) basis; foundation:扎根于群众have one's roots among the masses;无根之谈nonsense8. (姓氏) a surname:根浩Gen Hao1.(彻底)completely; thoroughly:根除completely do away with1.(用于细长物):一根草a stalk [blade] of grass;两根绳子two ropes;几根铅笔some pencils




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