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词汇 成熟
释义 成熟成熟[chéng shú]1. (果实或谷实长到可以收获的程度) ripe; mature:桃子成熟了。The peaches are ripe.2. (发育完成) {生} maturation; maturity; adultness; grown:性成熟sexually mature; sexual maturity;这是身体发育成熟的时期。This is the period at which the body attains maturity.3. (事物发展到能有效果的阶段) ripe; mature:成熟的经验ripe experience;成熟的意见well-considered opinion;政治上成熟politically mature;时机将很快成熟。Time will soon ripen.我的意见还不成熟。I haven't thought this idea through.4. {摄} ripening
常用词组1.成熟白内障 mature cataract; ripe cataract;2.成熟材 mature wood;3.成熟蛋白 maturation protein;4.成熟点 clinkering point;5.成熟分裂 maturation division; meiotic division; myosis; miosis;6.成熟腐烂病 ripe rot;7.成熟红细胞核片 Howell's bodies nuclear particles;8.成熟阶段 stage of ripeness;9.成熟节片 mature segment;10.成熟经济 mature economy;11.成熟林 mature forest;12.成熟林分 mature stand;13.成熟卵 mature egg;14.成熟卵泡 graaffian follicle;15.成熟论 theories of maturation;16.成熟年龄 maturation age;17.成熟期 {农} mature period;18.成熟缺陷突变体 maturation-defective mutant;19.成熟群丛 mature association;20.成熟生境 mature habitat;21.成熟噬菌体 mature phage;22.成熟受阻 anakmesis; anacmesis;23.成熟土 mature soil;24.成熟叶 climax leaves;25.成熟语言 adult language;26.成熟原始森林 old growth;27.成熟指标 {地质} maturity index;28.成熟紫胶 rhooki; phunki;29.成熟籽粒 ripe seed;30.成熟组织 mature tissue




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