词汇 | 机会 |
释义 | 机会机会[jī hui]1.■chance; opportunity:错过机会lose a chance;借此机会take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to;放弃机会throw away one's chance;抓住机会seize a chance;千载难逢的好机会a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime;高兴有机会访问贵国be pleased to have the opportunity of visiting your country;我没有给他说话的机会。I didn't give him a chance to say a word.他没有脱身机会。He had no chance to get away.你的机会来了。Here is a chance for you. 常用词组1.■机会变数 chance variable;2.■机会成本 opportunity cost;3.■机会成本价值 opportunity cost value;4.■机会抽样 sampling by chance;5.■机会对策 game of chance;6.■机会工业 opportunity industry;7.■机会替换成本 opportunity alternation cost;8.■机会-约束规划 {自} chance-constrained programming |
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