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词汇 抢 2
释义 抢(搶)[qiǎng]1. (抢劫) rob; loot:敌军士兵抢走了艺术博物馆的珍藏。The enemy soldiers looted the treasures of the art museum.那个人抢走了我的钱包。That man robbed me of my wallet.他们抢走了那家银行几千美元。They robbed the bank of thousands of dallors.2. (抢夺) snatch; grab:别抢!Don't grab!她把照片抢了过去。He snatched away the photo.3. (抢先; 争先) vie for; scramble for:抢干脏活重活vie with each other for the dirtiest or hardest jobs;抢球scramble for the ball4. (赶紧; 突击) rush:抢收rush in the harvest;抢修河堤rush to repair dikes5. (刮掉或擦掉物体表面的一层) scrape; scratch:把锅底抢一抢scrape the bottom of the pot;磨剪子抢菜刀sharpen scissors and kitchen knives;那男孩跌倒了,抢掉了膝盖上的皮。The boy fell and scraped the skin off his knee.另见 qiāng。




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