释义 |
徒徒[tú] 名1.■ (徒弟;学生) apprentice; pupil:学徒apprentice;门徒pupil; disciple;尊师爱徒respect the master worker and cherish the apprentice2.■ (信仰某种宗教的人) believer; follower:信徒believer;天主教徒Catholic3.■ (同一派系的人) factionary; gang:党徒member of a clique or a reactionary political party; henchman4.■ [贬] (人) person; fellow:叛徒rebel; traitor;暴徒ruffian; thug;赌徒gambler;匪徒bandits5.■ (徒刑) imprisonment; sentence6.■ (姓氏) a surname:徒远Tu Yuan 形1.■(空的; 无凭藉的) bare; empty:徒手bare-handed; unarmed;徒跣barefooted 副1.■ (仅仅) only; merely:非徒如此not only this;非徒无益, 而又害之worse than useless2.■ (步行) on foot:徒涉wade through; ford3.■ (徒然) in vain; to no avail; without avail:徒自惊扰frighten oneself without reason; become needlessly alarmed |