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释义 [zhī]1. (分支; 支派) branch; offshoot:党总支general Party branch;支店branch store2. (地支) the twelve Earthly Branches3. (姓氏) a surname:支叔才Zhi Shucai1. (撑) prop up; put up; hold:把伞支开put up an umbrella;用柱子支住平台hold a platform by pillars;这栅栏该用东西支一支。This fence should be propped up.2. (伸出; 竖起) stick; protrude; prick:门牙往外支着with one's incisor or front teeth protruded;支起耳朵prick up its or one's ears3. (支持) support; sustain; hold up; bear:体力不支lack of physical strength; too tired to go on doing sth.; too weak physically to stand it;乐不可支overwhelmed with joy; overjoyed;她疼得真有点支不住了。She could hardly bear the pain any more.4. (调度; 指使) order; send away; put sb. off:支嘴儿order sb. about;借故支开他send him away on some pretext or other;这事甭支别人了, 你自个儿去吧。Don't send anyone else; you had better go yourself.5. (付出) pay out; disburse:开支pay expenses;预支给他一个月的工钱pay him a month salary in advance6. (领取) receive; get payment; draw (money):透支overdraw;从财务科支款draw money from the finance section1. (用于队伍等):一支军队a contingent of troops;一支游击支队a guerrilla detachment2. (用于歌曲或乐曲):唱支山歌sing a folk song;一支钢琴协奏曲a piano concerto3. (用于电灯的光度):50支烛光fifty candlepower;60支光的灯泡a 60-watt bulb4. (用于细长物):一支毛笔a writing brush;一支蜡烛a candle5. {纺} (纱线粗细程度的计算单位) count:100支纱100-count yarn;粗支纱coarse yarn




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