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释义 总(緫、縂)[zǒng]1.(总括; 汇集) assemble; gather; put together; sum up:汇总assemble; collect; gather together;总合put together;总其成assume overall command of a project and bring it to completion;总起来说to sum up;把两笔账总到一块算settle the two accounts together1. (全部的; 全面的) general; overall; main; total; all; whole:总规划overall planning;总的形势the whole or general situation;总办事处the main office;总趋势general trend;总根源root cause2. (概括全部的; 为首的; 领导的) general; chief; head; prime:总书记general secretary; secretary-general;总编辑editor in chief;总机构headoffice1. (一直; 一向) always; consistently; invariably:你晚上总看电视吗?Do you always watch TV in the evening?他总是言行一致的。He consistently matches his words with his action.他这人总能找到借口。He would invariably find some excuses.真正的爱情总不是一帆风顺的。The course of true love never did run smooth.2. (毕竟; 总归) anyway; anyhow; after all:迟做总比不做的好。Better late than never.你今天总要完成这项工作吧。Anyhow you must finish this work today.别责怪他, 他总还是个孩子。Don't blame him. After all, he's only a child.总有一天你会明白的。You will understand it sooner or later.3. (大约; 至少) at least:她总不会当面对他这样讲吧?At least she wouldn't say this to his face.他走了总有一个星期吧。He's been away for at least a week.




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