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词汇 拼命
释义 拼命拼命[pīn mìng]1. (把性命豁出去; 舍命) risk one's life; defy death; put up a desperate fight; do sth. desperately:拼命抵抗risk the life in resistance;拼命精神death-defying spirit;拼命挣扎wage a desperate struggle;他拼命救出了三个孩子。He saved three children alive at risk of his life.
常用词组1. (尽最大的力量; 极度地) exerting the utmost strength; for all one is worth; with all one's might; desperately:拼命奔跑run for all one is worth;拼命工作work with all one's might;拼命努力make a desperate effort;他们拼命抓住那绳子。They hauled in the rope with might and main.政客们拼命争夺那席位。The seat is being hotly contested among politicians.为了孩子们有饭吃, 他拼命找工作。He was desperate for work to provide food for his children.




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