词汇 | 正 2 |
释义 | 正正[zhèng] 形1.■ (垂直或符合标准方向) straight; upright; due:摆得端正put sth. straight;正前方the due front;正北 [南]due north [south];把柱子扶正set the post upright;这画挂得不正。This picture is not straight.2.■ (位置居中) main; situated in the middle;正院儿the main courtyard;正殿main temple or palace3.■ (正面) right; obverse:胶卷的正面the right side of the film;事物的正反面the reverse and the obverse side of things4.■ (正直) honest; upright:公正just; fair; impartial;方正upright; righteous;端正upright; regular5.■ (正当) right; correct:正轨the right [correct] path or track6.■ (纯正) (of colour or flavour) pure; unmixed:正味pure flavours;正货unmixed goods;正黄pure yellow;味儿不正not the right [proper] flavour7.■ (合乎法度; 端正) standardized; regular:正体字standardized form of Chinese characters8.■ (基本的; 主要的) principal; chief; major:正课目major subjects;代表团的正、副团长the chief and the deputy leader of a delegation;正驾驶员first pilot;正教授full professor9.■ (图形的各边长度和各角大小都相等的) regular:正六角形regular hexagon10.■ (大于零的) positive; plus:正角positive angle;正量plus11.■ (失去电子的) positive; plus:正离子possitive ion; cation12.■ (用于时间, 指正在那一点上或在那一段正中) sharp; exact:10点正at ten o'clock sharp;在正午时at high noon 动1.■ (使位置正; 使不歪斜) set [put] right:正一正帽子put one's cap straight2.■ (使端正; 改正; 纠正) rectify; correct; adjust:正人先正己set a good example with one's own conduct 副1.■ (恰好) just; exactly; right; precisely:大小正合适just the right size;正是此时此地right here and now;正因如此precisely because of it;正如你所说just as you say;那人正是吴教授。It was none other than Professor Wu.我正要谈这个问题。I'm just coming to that point.这正是我们的想法。This is exactly what we think.正是这些人创造了这样伟大的奇迹。They are the very people who worked such wonders.2.■ (表示动作的进行、状态的持续):正下雪呢。It is snowing.铃声正响。The bell is ringing.时钟正打12点。The clock was striking twelve.他正吃着饭呢。He is having dinner. 名1.■(姓氏) a surname:正锦Zheng Jin另见 zhēng。 |
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