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词汇 泡沫
释义 泡沫泡沫[pào mò]1.foam; froth; spume; yeast; bead:啤酒泡沫the head on a glass of beer;浮在水上的泡沫bubbles swimming on the water
常用词组1.泡沫病毒 foamy virus;2.泡沫玻璃 foam glass ;3.泡沫材料 foam material;4.泡沫保温材料 cellular insulant;5.泡沫层 froth bed;6.泡沫除尘器 bubble dust collector;7.泡沫促进剂 foam booster; froth promoter;8.泡沫发生器 foam generator;9.泡沫发生室 foam chamber;10.泡沫发生塔 foam column;11.泡沫矾土砖 {材} alumina bubble brick;12.泡沫防尘 foaming dust suppression;13.泡沫分离 foam separation;14.泡沫分析 foam analysis;15.泡沫浮层 foam floating roof;16.泡沫浮选 froth flotation;17.泡沫浮选法 {工} froth flotation method;18.泡沫钢 blister steel;19.泡沫痕 foam impression;20.泡沫混凝土 foam concrete; cellular concrete;21.泡沫集尘钻眼法 foam drilling;22.泡沫剂 foam agent; foaming agent;23.泡沫计 frothmeter;24.泡沫焦性石墨 pyrofoam;25.泡沫胶裁断机 splitter;26.泡沫胶乳 foamed latex;27.泡沫胶粘剂 foam glue;28.泡沫金属 {冶} foam metal;29.泡沫结构 foaming structure;30.泡沫聚苯乙烯 styrofoam;31.泡沫聚苯乙烯模 expanded polystyrene pattern;32.泡沫聚乙烯foamed polyethylene;33.泡沫绝热材料 foam-thermal insulation;34.泡沫控制剂 foam controller;35.泡沫(水淬)矿渣 foamslag;36.泡沫流 foam flow;37.泡沫铝 foamed aluminium;38.泡沫密度 foam density;39.泡沫灭火 foam fire-fighting;40.泡沫灭火剂 fire-extinguishing foam; foamite;41.泡沫灭火器 foam extinguisher;42.泡沫幕 {采矿} foam plug;43.泡沫内沟珊瑚 cystiphrentis;44.泡沫粘度计 bubble viscometer;45.泡沫驱油 foam displacement of reservoir oil;46.泡沫热塑树脂 foamed thermoplastic resin;47.泡沫人造革 foamed leather;48.泡沫熔渣 {房} foamed slag;49.泡沫珊瑚 cystiphyllum;50.泡沫珊瑚科 Cystiphyllidae;51.泡沫石膏 foamed gypsum;52.泡沫石棉 litaflex;53.泡沫石膏造型 foamed plaster moulding;54.泡沫石墨 foamy graphite;55.泡沫石英玻璃 foam quartz glass;56.泡沫收尘 foam collection;57.泡沫树脂 foamed resin(a);58.泡沫塔 foaming tower;59.泡沫(性)痰 frothy sputum;60.泡沫碳 foamy carbon;61.泡沫体 foams;62.泡沫天线罩 foam radome;63.泡沫陶瓷 foamed ceramics;64.泡沫脱胶 foam degumming;65.泡沫稳定剂 foam stabilizer;66.泡沫稳定性 foam stability;67.泡沫洗涤塔 bubble scrubber;68.泡沫系统 foaming system;69.泡沫纤维 foamed fibre;70.泡沫相分离法 {土} foam phase separation;71.泡沫线 foam line;72.泡沫橡胶 sponge; spunge; air foam rubber; froth rubber;73.泡沫橡皮 cellular rubber;74.泡沫携带 foamover;75.泡沫学说 alveolar theory;76.泡沫岩 aphrolite;77.泡沫仪 foam meter;78.泡沫抑制剂 foam in hibitors;79.泡沫油 foam oil;80.泡沫浴 bubble bath;81.泡沫渣 foamed slag;82.泡沫值 foam number;83.泡沫终点 foam end point;84.泡沫柱 Thysanophyllum;85.泡沫状 cystose;86.泡沫钻进 foam drilling;87.泡沫作用 foaming




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