释义 |
易易[yì] 形1.■ (容易) easy:不易解决not easy to solve;简便易行simply and easy to apply;易患感冒catch cold easily; be susceptible to colds;易涝地区areas liable to waterlogging;易学easy to learn;老年人生活不易。Life is not easy with old people.2.■ (平和) amiable:平易近人amiable and easy of access 动1.■ (改变; 变换) change:移风易俗change prevailing habits and customs; transform social traditions;易手change hands2.■ (交换) exchange:以物易物barter;易货协定an agreement on the exchange of commodities 名1.■(姓氏) a surname:易牙Yi Ya |