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词汇 极端
释义 极端极端[jí duān]1. (事物发展达到的顶点) extremes:走极端go to extremes;她凡事都(爱)走极端。She goes to extremes in everything.爱与恨是感情的两个极端。Love and hate are two extremes of feelings.2. (达到极点的) extreme; exceeding:极端仇视extremely hostile; show extreme hatred for;极端刁难obstruct to the last degree;极端腐败rotten to the core;极端困难exceedingly difficult;极端贫困in dire poverty; extreme poverty;极端无知absolute ignorance;极端愚蠢be exceedingly foolish;对工作极端负责have a boundless sense of responsibility in one's work;极端信任某人trust sb. to the utmost;这项政策被执行到了极端荒谬的程度。The policy was followed to an absurd extreme.3. {物} (极部) pole tip
常用词组1.极端分子 extremist; radical;2.极端高压 extreme high pressure;3.极端个人主义者 out-and-out egoist;4.极端光程 extreme path;5.极端光程律 law of extreme (light) path;6.极端化 extramalization;7.极端矩离 distance between pole tips;8.极端民主化 ultra-democracy;9.极端强烈 profundity;10.极端数 outlier;11.极端相对论(的) ultrarelativistic;12.极端相对论性粒子 ultrarelativistic particle;13.极端向量 extremal vector;14.极端压力 extreme pressure;15.极端值 extremum;16.极端中肯频(率) extreme critical frequency;17.极端主义 extremism;18.极端状态 extremity; extremely arduous conditions




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