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词汇 开放
释义 开放开放[kāi fàng]1. (展开; 开花) come into bloom:玫瑰花已经开放。The roses have come into bloom.2. (解除封锁、限制等) lift a ban; lift a restriction; opening to the outside world:我国的开放政策不是收, 而是要继续放。China will continue its policy of opening to the outside world on a broader scale, rather than back away from it.中国要进一步扩大开放范围。China will further expand the scope of its opened-up areas.3. (道路允许通行) open to traffic; open to public use:新建的港口已向外轮开放。The new port has been opened to foreign ships.4. (接待游人、参观者等) be open to the public:这个旅馆现在已向客人开放。The hotel is now open to guests.本诊所除给职工及其家属就诊外, 还对外开放。The clinic is open to outsiders as well as employees and their families.
常用词组1.开放泊地{航海} open roadstead;2.开放城市 the open cities; city open to foreigners;3.开放大学 open university; open college;4.开放地带 the open regions;5.开放地区 open region; open area;6.开放导液法 open drainage;7.开放抵押 open-end mortgage;8.开放发酵 open fermentation;9.开放港 open port;10.开放格局 pattern of opening to the outside world;11.开放骨折 compound fracture; open fracture;12.开放基因 open gene;13.开放技术市场 open markets for technology exchanges;14.开放经济 open economy;15.开放孔隙 open space;16.开放孔隙沉积 open space deposits;17.开放孔隙构造 open space structure;18.开放锚位 {土} open berth;19.开放脉序 open venation;20.开放水道 open lead;21.开放梭口 {纺} open shed;22.开放条约 open treaty;23.开放文化 open culture;24.开放维管束 {植} open vascular bundle;25.开放戏剧 open theatre;26.开放信托投资 open-end investment trust;27.开放型 open type;28.开放政策 open policy; the policy of opening to the outside world;29.开放装窑法 open setting;30.开放子程序 open subroutine




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