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词汇 平等
释义 平等平等[píng děng]1.equal; equality:男女平等equality between the sexes;人类平等the equality of man;种族平等racial equality;在平等的基础上on an equal footing; on the basis of equality;平等互助的关系relations of equality and mutual assistance;法律面前人人平等。Everyone is equal before [under] the law.你和她的地位平等吗?Are you on equal footing with her?我们中国一贯主张国家无论大小一律平等。We Chinese people have persistently urged the equality of nations, big or small.
常用词组1.平等待遇 equal treatment [payment]; parity of treatment;2.平等地位 equal standing;3.平等关系 relations on an equal basis;4.平等互惠 reciprocal favored treatment; equality and mutual benefit;5.平等基金 equalization fund;6.平等机会 equal time;7.平等交换 exchange on an equal basis;8.平等竞争 fair [equal] competition;9.平等权利 equal rights;10.平等时间 equal time;11.平等协商 consultation on the basis of equality;12.平等主义 equalitarianism; egalitarianism




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