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词汇 方位
释义 方位方位[fāng wèi]1.position; bearing; direction; points of the compass; placement:测定船舶方位fix the bearings of a ship;目标方位target bearing;藉助罗盘, 旅行者可以找到自己所处的方位。With the aid of a compass the traveler can find his bearings.只要记住这座小山位于正北方, 你就能确定你所在的方位了。You can orient yourself by remembering that the hill is due north.
常用词组1.方位比 aspect ratio;2.方位变动 azimuth shift;3.方位变化 variation of azimuth;4.方位变化率 bearing rate;5.方位标 azimuth mark;6.方位标志 azimuth mark; bearing markers;7.方位表 {天} azimuth tables;8.方位波束宽度 azimuth beamwidth;9.方位操纵盘 azimuth hand wheel;10.方位测定 bearing measurement;11.方位测定装置 bearing transmission unit; bearing unit;12.方位测量器 azimuth counter;13.方位测微计 position micrometer;14.方位差 {军} gun parallax;15.方位差计算 parallax computation;16.方位传感器 aspect sensor;17.方位词 noun of locality;18.方位导航系统 azimuth navigation system;19.方位点 azimuthal point;20.方位电动机 azimuth motor;21.方位电压 azimuth voltage;22.方位定向 azimuthal orientation;23.方位方程 {地侧} azimuth equation;24.方位分辨力 azimuth resolution; beating resolution; azimuth discrimination;25.方位分辨因子 azimuth-resolution factor;26.方位分度盘 heading card;27.方位分级 {电} bearing classification;28.方位概率搜索 bearing probability-scanning;29.方位杆 {工} azimuth bar; azimuth instrument; bearing bar;30.方位高度显示 azel display;31.方位跟踪器 azimuth tracker;32.方位跟踪指示器 azimuth tracking cursor;33.方位箍缩装置 azimuthal pinch device;34.方位光电管 aspect photocell;35.方位基点 {地测} cardinal point;36.方位基点效应 {电子} cardinal point effect;37.方位计算器 azimuth computer;38.方位校准 bearing calibration;39.方位校准[定标]器 azimuth calibrator;40.方位距离 azran;41.方位距离导航 azimuth-distance navigation;42.方位距离计算机 bearing distance computer;43.方位刻度 azimuth scale;44.方位刻度盘 azimuth circle;45.方位刻度图 compass rose;46.方位空间 director space;47.方位控制 azimuthal control;48.方位控制电压 azimuth-control voltage;49.方位快搜索 bearing rapid-scanning;50.方位揽包 azimuth cable wrap;51.方位罗经 azimuth compass;52.方位罗盘 azimuth compass;53.方位慢搜索 bearing slow-scanning;54.方位盘 dumb card; polorus;55.方位偏差 {军} azimuth deviation;56.方位偏转线圈 azimuth deflection yoke;57.方位扫掠 azimuth sweep;58.方位扫掠电压 azimuth-sweep voltage;59.方位扫掠发生器 azimuth-sweep generator;60.方位扫掠控制管 azimuth-sweep driver;61.方位扫掠雷达 azimuth-scan radar;62.方位扫掠器 azimuth scanner;63.方位扫描 azimuth scan; azimuth scanning; azimuth sweep;64.方位扫描电压 azimuth-sweep voltage;65.方位手柄 orienting knob;66.方位伺服机构 azimuth servomechanism;67.方位天文学 positional astronomy;68.方位天线 azimuth antenna; homing antenna;69.方位调相 bearing dependent phase modulation;70.方位同步传动机构 azimuth synchro drive gear;71.方位投影 azimuthal projection;72.方位图 bearing diagram;73.方位陀螺仪 azimuth gyroscope;74.方位稳定线路 azimuth-stabilization scheme;75.方位稳定指示器 azimuth-stabilized indicator;76.方位误差 azimuth error; bearing error; azimuthal error;77.方位物 {军} topographic marker; landmarker;78.方位系数法 form factor method;79.方位线 line of bearing;80.方位向量 position vector;81.方位消隐 {电子} azimuth blanking;82.方位消隐管 azimuth blanking tube;83.方位效应 azimuthal effect;84.方位修正量 bearing correction;85.方位选示 {电子} azimuth gating;86.方位仰角显示器 azimuth elevation indicator;87.方位仪 azimuthal [azimuth] telescope; azimuth finder; direction finder;88.方位引导 bearing directing;89.方位引导单元 azimuth guidance element;90.方位引导技术 bearing directing technique;91.方位游标 bearing cursor; mechanical bearing cursor;92.方位元素 element of orientation;93.方位侦察 azimuth reconnaissance;94.方位指示 bearing indication;95.方位指示管 bearing tube;96.方位指示器 azimuth indicator; bearing indicator; bearing pointer;97.方位指示区 bearing zone;98.方位中速搜索 bearing moderate-speed-scannig;99.方位轴线 azimuth axis;100.方位转移 {工} azimuth transfer;101.方位准确度 azimuth accuracy; bearing accuracy;102.方位自动同步机 azimuth selsyn;103.方位阻尼 azimuth antihunt




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