词汇 | 思想 |
释义 | 思想思想[sī xiǎng]1.■thought; thinking; idea; ideology; log-; logo-:军事思想military thinking;思想开通one's ideas are advanced;搞通思想straighten out one's thinking;思想见面have a frank exchange of ideas;思想落伍old-fashioned in thinking; outdated ideas;有思想准备be mentally prepared;思想包袱sth. weighing on one's mind;思想不纯impurity in ideology;思想内容好have good ideological content;思想跟不上lag behind in one's understanding;正确思想correct ideas;解除思想顾虑free one's mind of misgivings;思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols. 常用词组1.■思想被窃妄想 nookleptia;2.■思想迟钝 bradyphrenia; hypopsychosis;3.■思想传授 {心} thought transference;4.■思想错乱 parapsychosis;5.■思想道德素质 ideological and ethical standards;6.■思想动向 ideological trend;7.■思想斗争 ideological struggle; mental struggle;8.■思想方法 method [way; mode] of thinking; mentality;9.■思想改造 ideological remoulding;10.■思想感情 thoughts and feelings; minds and sentiments;11.■思想感应 telepathy; telesthesia;12.■思想疙瘩 the “knot” in one's thinking;13.■思想革命化 revolutionization of one's ideology;14.■思想工作 ideological work;15.■思想灌输 inoculation;16.■思想混乱 ideologically confused;17.■思想家 thinker;18.■思想建设 ideological building;19.■思想僵化 mental stagnation; ossification of thinking; ideological ossification; be rigid in one's thinking;20.■思想教育 ideological education;21.■思想解放 ideological emancipation;22.■思想境界 ideological level;23.■思想交通(作用)telepathy; telesthesia;24.■思想库 think bank; think factory; think tank;25.■思想连贯不能 asyndesis;26.■思想流 stream of thought;27.■思想路线 ideological line;28.■思想片段 thoughtlet;29.■思想评论 ideological criticism;30.■思想缺失 apsychosis;31.■思想认识 ideological understanding;32.■思想散乱 psychorrhea;33.■思想史学派 the history of Idea School;34.■思想体系 ideological system; ideology;35.■思想性 ideological content;36.■思想一致 unity of thinking; ideological unity;37.■思想意识 ideology;38.■思想障碍 ideological stumbling block [hindrance];39.■思想政治工作 ideological and political work;40.■思想政治教育 ideological and political education;41.■思想准备 mental preparation [groundwork] |
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