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词汇 怀
释义 怀怀(懷)[huái]1. (胸部或胸前) bosom:抱在怀里carry in the bosom;她从怀里取出一本小册子。She drew a little book from her bosom.小孩儿在妈妈的怀里睡着了。The baby fell asleep in its mother's arms.2. (心怀; 胸怀) mind:襟怀坦白frank and open-minded;正中下怀be just what one hopes for; fit in exactly with one's wishes3. (姓氏) a surname:怀叙Huai Xu1. (思念; 怀念) think of; yearn for:怀乡yearn for one's native place; be homesick;怀友think of a friend2. (腹中有胎) conceive (a child):怀了孩子become pregnant; be with child;怀着他的孩子conceived his child (in her body)3. (心里存有) keep in mind; cherish:不怀好意harbour evil designs;怀着深厚的感情with deep feelings;怀着真诚的愿望cherish sincere hopes;心怀鬼胎with misgivings in one's heart; have evil intention;有女怀春。There is a girl in love.




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