词汇 | 拜 |
释义 | 拜拜[bài] 动1.■ (以礼会见) make a courtesy call:回拜pay a return visit2.■ (崇拜) doobeisance:拜佛worship the Buddha at a temple;膜拜kowtow on knees3.■ (行礼祝贺) make a ceremonial call4.■ (拜访) call on; pay a visit:拜街坊call on neighbours5.■ (用一定的礼节授与官职或某种名义) entitle sb. with ceremony:拜相make or be made prime minister;拜将[官]be conferred post6.■ (恭敬地与对方结成某种关系) formally establish or swear relationships:拜他为师formally acknowledge him as one's master or teacher; take him as one's teacher;结拜be sworn brothers 副1.■[敬] (用于人事往来):拜恳my humble request;拜谢humbly thank; express one's thanks;拜领humbly receive gifts;你的新书已拜读了。I have read your new book. 名1.■(姓氏) a surname:拜武Bai Wu |
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