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词汇 整体
释义 整体整体[zhěng tǐ]1.ensemble; whole; entirety:从整体上看形势view the situation as a whole;整体的一个组成部分an integral part of the whole;作为一个整体in its entirety
常用词组1.整体搬迁 integral moving;2.整体保持架 integral cage;3.整体表面压力计 solid front pressure gauge;4.整体产实性 holocarpy;5.整体车轮 solid wheel;6.整体程序设计 integer programming;7.整体筹划论 system engineering;8.整体大地测量学 integrated geodesy;9.整体道床 solid concrete roadbed;10.整体吊装 integral hoisting;11.整体端铣刀 solid-end mill;12.整体锻件 {冶} solid forging;13.整体对称性 global symmetry;14.整体二极管太阳能电池 integral diode solar cell;15.整体法学 integrative jurisprudence;16.整体方形管子板牙 square solid pipe die;17.整体防护服 coverall suit;18.整体飞轮 one-piece flywheel;19.整体供电 {电工} bulk supply;20.整体观念 concept of viewing the situation as a whole; {中医} concept of wholism;21.整体关系学 syzygiology;22.整体规划 integrated planning;23.整体护轨 one-piece guard rail;24.整体化 integration;25.整体活塞 single-piece piston;26.整体夹板 {钟} full plate;27.整体渐近稳定 global asymptotic stability;28.整体铰刀 {机} solid reamer;29.整体结构 over-all structure; integral structure;30.整体结晶器 solid block mold;31.整体近似 global approximation;32.整体聚合 bulk polymerization;33.整体矿车 {采矿} solid car;34.整体矿柱 {采矿} rib;35.整体扩孔钻 solid core drill;36.整体拉刀 solid broach;37.整体联接套管{油工} integral-joint casing;38.整体料 monolith;39.整体炉衬 monolithic lining;40.整体路缘 (与路面整体连接的) integral curb;41.整体论 {哲} holism;42.整体螺旋 one-piece auger;43.整体逻辑技术 solid logic technology (SLT);44.整体模 solid mold; full pattern; {设计} solid die;45.整体模型 block mold;46.整体模造型 solid pattern mo(u)lding;47.整体模铸模具 unit-type diecasting die;48.整体耐火材料 monolithic refractory;49.整体耦合 {电磁} unity coupling;50.整体配子 {植} hologamy;51.整体拼装模板 integral assembled form;52.整体平差 adjustment in one cast;53.整体屏蔽 bulk shielding;54.整体屏蔽堆 {核} bulk shieldling reactor (BSR);55.整体汽缸 block head cylinder;56.整体汽缸发动机 monoblock engine;57.整体汽缸盖 {机} solid head;58.整体汽缸座 {机} monobloc;59.整体清除器 bulk eraser;60.整体屈曲 complete buckling;61.整体熔模铸造法 block mo(u)ld process;62.整体实验 {核} integral experiment;63.整体收敛 global convergence;64.整体输入输出衔器 integrated I/O adapter;65.整体疏松 loose;66.整体数据区 global data area;67.整体通信衔接器 integrated communication adapter;68.整体凸缘 {设计} integral-type flange;69.整体温度 {热} bulk temperature;70.整体文件存储衔接器 integrated file adapter;71.整体误差 global error;72.整体相 bulk phase(液相和固相的总称);73.整体消磁器 {电磁} bulk eraser;74.整体心理学 wholeness psychology;75.整体心轴 solid mandrel;76.整体性 globality;77.整体性质 bulk property;78.整体修炉 monolithic patch;79.整体油路板 solid manifold;80.整体油箱 {船} integral tank;81.整体运动 mass motion;82.整体张拉预加应力 monolithic tensioning;83.整体轴承 {机} integral bearing;84.整体轴颈轴承 solid journal bearing;85.整体主义{生} wholism; organicism;86.整体铸 integral casting;87.整体铸件 single-casting;88.整体铸型 block mo(u)ld;89.整体转筒 rigid rotor;90.整体状态 integrality;91.整体资料处理 integrated data processing;92.整体钻杆 stem;93.整体最佳化 global optimization




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