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词汇 气泡
释义 气泡气泡[qì pào]1.air bubble; bubble; bubble cell; pin hole:像气泡一样化为乌有vanish like a bubble;水里的气泡a bubble in water;气泡破了。The bubble has burst.水从沙里冒出气泡。Water bubbled up through the sand.
常用词组1.气泡斑 froth pit;2.气泡斑痕 airbells;3.气泡泵 {采矿} airlift pump;4.气泡壁片 {地质} bubble wall fragment;5.气泡病 gas disease (鱼的);6.气泡测斜仪 bubble inclinometer;7.气泡动力学 bubble dynamics;8.气泡法 {化} bubble method;9.气泡法探漏 bubble method leak detection;10.气泡浮选槽 bubble cell;11.气泡高压 {气} bubble high; high bubble;12.气泡痕 bubble impression;13.气泡检漏法 bubble method detection;14.气泡六分仪 bubble sextant;15.气泡粘度计 air bubble viscometer;16.气泡凝并 coalescence of gas bubbler;17.气泡曝气 bubble aeration;18.气泡取向 bubble orientation;19.气泡砂 bubble sand;20.气泡室 bubble chamber;21.气泡栓塞 air embolism; aeremia;22.气泡水准仪 block level; air level; air bubble level;23.气泡微动气压计 bubble statoscope;24.气泡尾迹 bubble wake;25.气泡稳定剂 bubble stabilizer;26.气泡吸收器 bubble absorber;27.气泡线 air line; hairline;28.气泡象 image of bubble;29.气泡形成 bubbling;30.气泡血症 pompholyhemia;31.气泡压力{物} pressure in bubbles;32.气泡置中 centring of level bubble(水平仪)




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