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词汇 安装
释义 安装安装[ān zhuāng]1.install; erect; fix; mount; assemble; get-set; set up; put-on; fix assemblage:安装电话install a telephone;安装机器install machinery;安装扩音器话筒set up a microphone;安装蒸馏塔erect a distillation column;我们应派一个人去监督机器的安装。We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery.推进器的叶片已经安装好了。The propeller blade has been mounted.
常用词组1.安装标记 adjustment notch;2.安装程序 erection sequence; preset;3.安装尺寸 installation dimension; installation size; mounting dimension;4.安装垂度 erection dip; erection sag;5.安装地点 installation side; mounted position; mounting position;6.安装钉 {木} pilot nail;7.安装段 construction section;8.安装队 fitting-up-gang [team];9.安装防滑链 fitting overall chain;10.安装费 mounting cost;11.安装高度 mounting height;12.安装工 installer; mounter; fixer;13.安装工程 erection work; installation work;14.安装工程师 installation engineer;15.安装工具 erecting tools; replacement tool;16.安装工人 erector;17.安装管道 pipe laying;18.安装规范 installation specification;19.安装焊缝 field joint;20.安装焊接 erection welding;21.安装基座 mounting base;22.安装夹具 sectional fixture;23.安装架 erection fixture;24.安装间 clipping room; erection bay;25.安装键 fitting key;26.安装角 setting angle;27.安装接榫 mounting rabbet;28.安装接头 erection joint; field joint;29.安装孔 mounting hole; open holes;30.安装面 fitting surface;31.安装面积 erection space;32.安装锚杆 {采矿} skyhook;33.安装设备 erecting equipment;34.安装损伤 installation damages;35.安装索 pass line;36.安装塔架 {土} erection tower;37.安装图 installation diagram; erecting diagram; drawing for fixation;38.安装位置 installation site; mounting position; riding position;39.安装误差 installation error; erection error;40.安装系统图 fitting arrangement;41.安装现场 loading bay;42.安装线 {电} interconnection wire; hook-up wire;43.安装线脚 {木} planted moulding; erection stress;44.安装用具 fixture;45.安装支柱 mounting rack;46.安装支座 erection support




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