释义 |
卸卸[xiè]动1.■ (从运输工具上搬下来) remove cargo or freight; unload; discharge; unlade:卸下船上的货物discharge a ship of her cargo; unship a cargo2.■ (把加在人或牲口身上的东西取下) lay down; take away:卸担子lay down a burden;卸牲口unhitch a draught animal;我们给他卸下背上的袋子。We unburdened him of his bags.3.■ (拆卸) remove; dismantle; disassemble; dismount; strip:把门卸下来lift a door off its hinges;卸零件remove parts from a machine; strip a machine4.■ (解除) get rid of; be relieved of5.■ (推卸) shirk:卸责shirk the responsibility |