词汇 | 工作 |
释义 | 工作工作[gōng zuò]1.■ (从事脑力或体力劳动; 泛指机器发挥生产作用) work; operation; working; operating; running; performance:努力工作work hard;开始工作begin to work;工作不熟练(的)unworkmanlike;提前一小时停止工作knock off work an hour earlier2.■ (职业) job:分配工作assign jobs; assign work;找工作look for a job;着手工作go [set] about one's job3.■ (业务;任务) work:工会工作trade-union work;科研工作scientific research;经济工作economic work;教育工作educational work 常用词组1.■工作安全系数 operating safety factor;2.■工作按钮 play button;3.■工作班 shift; operating crew;4.■工作板 working plate;5.■工作半径 radius of clean-up (挖土机的); swinging radius (起重机臂的); working radius;6.■工作帮 working pit edge;7.■工作比 duty cycle;8.■工作边 {木} working edge;9.■工作标准 working standard;10.■工作标准化 {工管} work standardization;11.■工作标准时间 standard time of work;12.■工作表 workmeter;13.■工作波 operating wave;14.■工作波长 operation wavelength; operating wavelength;15.■工作不平衡 operating unbalance;16.■工作部分 working portion;17.■工作部件 {电} workpiece;18.■工作步骤 modus;19.■工作参数 running parameter; working parameter;20.■工作草案 working draft;21.■工作草图 base map;22.■工作测定表 tractometer;23.■工作测量器具 working measuring instrument;24.■工作测验 perfomance test;25.■工作层 working lining;26.■工作差错 miswork;27.■工作长度 active length;28.■工作场所监测 {核子} monitoring of the workplace;29.■工作成本 job costs;30.■工作程式 job-program mode;31.■工作程序 job programme; process program; working routine; recipe; working routine; production program; running program;32.■工作程序库 job library;33.■工作齿高 working depth of tooth;34.■工作齿面 drive side of tooth;35.■工作冲程 driving stroke; firing stroke; working path;36.■工作冲程皮带轮 cut pulley;37.■工作抽样法[取样法] work sampling method;38.■工作处理控制 job management; job processing control;39.■工作传输比 effective transmission ratio;40.■工作传输量 working transmission;41.■工作磁带 working tape;42.■工作磁道 work track;43.■工作磁平 operation level; operating level;44.■工作存储器 working storage; working memory;45.■工作存储区 working storage;46.■工作大气压 working air pressure;47.■工作带 {自} work tape; working tape;48.■工作单 shop order; job cards;49.■工作单位 an organization in which one works; work unit; place of work;50.■工作单元 working cell;51.■工作档案 work-in-process file;52.■工作地点 working place;53.■工作地点抽签法 cavilling;54.■工作电池 working battery;55.■工作电机 work drive motor;56.■工作电机按钮 work motor push button;57.■工作电极 {物化} working electrode;58.■工作电键 operating key;59.■工作电解质 working electrolyte;60.■工作电抗 working reactance;61.■工作电流 operating current; working current;62.■工作电流范围 current margin; operating current range;63.■工作电路 operating circuit;64.■工作电路电压 operation circuit voltage;65.■工作电平 operation level;66.■工作电压 working voltage; working volt; running voltage; operating voltage; operating tension;67.■工作电压范围 operating voltage range;68.■工作电压控制 running tension control;69.■工作电压上限 maximum operation voltage;70.■工作电压下限 minimum operation voltage;71.■工作电阻 operating resistance; pull-up resistor;72.■工作吊架 hangings;73.■工作定额 work quota [norm];74.■工作定单 work order;75.■工作定势 task set;76.■工作定向 job-oriented;77.■工作队列项 work queue entry;78.■工作法向后角 working normal clearance;79.■工作法向前角 working normal rake;80.■工作法向楔角 working normal wedge angle;81.■工作范围 operating range; operating space; scope of work; work extent; working range; efficient range;82.■工作方式 mechanics; operate mode;83.■工作房 back shop;84.■工作费用 working cost;85.■工作分散法 work spreading;86.■工作分析 job analysis;87.■工作分析程序 WAP;88.■工作丰富化 job enrichment;89.■工作缝 construction joint;90.■工作服 frock; jumper; smock; fatigue uniform; union suit; business clothing; work clothes; boilersuit; slop; save-all;91.■工作副偏角 working minor cutting edge angle;92.■工作副切削刃 working minor cutting edge;93.■工作复位 power on reset;94.■工作负荷 {物} workload; operating load; {心} loading;95.■工作负载 working load; workload; operating load; live load;96.■工作杆 working beam;97.■工作缸 working cylinder;98.■工作钢丝绳 load cable;99.■工作岗位责任制 organization of workers' position;100.■工作高度 operational altitude; operational height;101.■工作关系分布图 work-distribution chart;102.■工作管理 work management;103.■工作规范 work norm;104.■工作规则 service regulations;105.■工作辊 working roll;106.■工作辊支撑装置 work roller supporting apparatus;107.■工作过程 course of work;108.■工作函数 working function;109.■工作横向剖面 working plane;110.■工作后角 working orthogonal clearance;111.■工作环 building ring; operating ring;112.■工作环境 work environment; working atmosphere;113.■工作环境卫生标准 working environment sanitary standard;114.■工作会议 working conference;115.■工作汇编 {自} work assembly;116.■工作混合气 working mixture;117.■工作基面 working reference plane;118.■工作基准(器) working standard;119.■工作机 working machine;120.■工作机构 operating mechanism;121.■工作极限 working limit;122.■工作计划 plannig; work scheme; working plan; working scheme;123.■工作计划进度表 calender progress chart;124.■工作记录 logging;125.■工作寄存器 work register; working register;126.■工作架 hanging-up;127.■工作监视器 performeter;128.■工作间 cabin; workshop;129.■工作间隙 working clearance;130.■工作键 job key;131.■工作角 {电子} operating angle;132.■工作角度 operating angle;133.■工作接地 working earthing;134.■工作接点 operating contact;135.■工作节圆半径 operating pitch radius;136.■工作结束 end-of-job;137.■工作进程 progress of work;138.■工作进度 job schedule;139.■工作进度表 work schedule;140.■工作进给 work feed;141.■工作距离 operating distance;142.■工作开关 operating switch; play switch;143.■工作开始时间 attack time;144.■工作考核 job rating;145.■工作可靠但性能下降 fail-soft;146.■工作可靠但性能有下降 fail-passive;147.■工作可靠性 functional reliability;148.■工作空间 work space;149.■工作空间寄存器 work space register;150.■工作空间指示字 work space pointer;151.■工作孔型 live pass; working pass;152.■工作恐怖 ergasiophobia;153.■工作狂 ergasiomania;154.■工作例行程序 work routine;155.■工作联络电话 {自} backtalk;156.■工作联络通话电路 {讯} speak-back circuit; talk-back circuit;157.■工作量 amount of work; work done; working capacity; work load;158.■工作量规 working gauge; workshop gauge;159.■工作量级 operational level;160.■工作疗法 work therapy;161.■工作流体 working fluid;162.■工作流体特性 working-fluid characteristics;163.■工作轮 active wheel; moving runner; running wheel;164.■工作门 cleaning door;165.■工作面积 area of work;166.■工作模型 working model; work model;167.■工作磨损 service wear;168.■工作母机 machine tool;169.■工作能力 productive capacity; operational capability; service ability;170.■工作能力测验 workout;171.■工作能力指标 ability factor;172.■工作年限 work seniority;173.■工作批量法 job-lot system;174.■工作频率 frequency of operation; operating frequency; working band; working frequency;175.■工作评价 {工管} job evaluation;176.■工作坡面 operational slope;177.■工作破碎比 working reduction ratio;178.■工作剖面 working section;179.■工作期间 on-period;180.■工作期限 working life;181.■工作强度 working strength;182.■工作区 work area; working area; working space;183.■工作区间通道 crossheading;184.■工作区域 working region; working space;185.■工作曲线 working curve;186.■工作曲线模拟计算机 running curve simulator;187.■工作取样 work sampling;188.■工作圈数 number of effective coils;189.■工作权利法 right-to-work law;190.■工作绕组 working winding;191.■工作人员 working personnel; staff member; functionary;192.■工作人员类别 class of worker;193.■工作日 workday; working day;194.■工作日程图表 schedule chart;195.■工作日数 working days;196.■工作容积 swept volume; working volume; displacement;197.■工作容量 displacement volume; service capacity;198.■工作衫 hickory shirt; hickory;199.■工作设计 work design;200.■工作石 work stone;201.■工作实绩 work results;202.■工作时间 {自} production time; combustion time; pick(-)up time; on-time; time-card; working-hours; working time;203.■工作时间表 operating schedule;204.■工作时间日报单 job time report;205.■工作时间折旧法 working-hours depreciation method;206.■工作事故 operating irregularity;207.■工作室 {土} man-lock; working chamber; operating room; workroom; operatory; recipient; forehearth; atelier;208.■工作守则 operating instruction;209.■工作寿命 working life; operation life;210.■工作寿命试验 operation life test;211.■工作授权证明书 job order; job ticket;212.■工作数据 operational data;213.■工作数据文件 working data file;214.■工作衰减 effective attenuation;215.■工作水 driving water;216.■工作说明书 job specification;217.■工作速度 operating rate; running speed; operating speed; working speed;218.■工作速率 operating rate;219.■工作态度 attitude toward work;220.■工作特性 performance characteristic; operating characteristic; performance data; running characteristic; working characteristic;221.■工作特性曲线 characteristic; working curve;222.■工作条件 running conditions; operating conditions;223.■工作艇 dink;224.■工作同位标磁道组 work cylinder;225.■工作筒 seating nipple;226.■工作头 working head;227.■工作凸轮 driving cam;228.■工作凸轮曲线 working cam curve;229.■工作图 work sheet; working drawing; functional diagram;230.■工作晚餐 working dinner;231.■工作维修 operating maintenance;232.■工作位置 operating position; working position; mounted position;233.■工作温度 operating temperature; working temperature;234.■工作温度范围 operating temperature range;235.■工作文件 work document; work file;236.■工作文卷 work volume;237.■工作午餐 working lunch;238.■工作物 working substance;239.■工作系数 {工管} service factor; duty factor;240.■工作系统 work system;241.■工作下降 work decrement;242.■工作线路 working line;243.■工作线圈 actuating coil; work coil;244.■工作效率 availability; operating efficiency; worked efficiency;245.■工作楔角 working orthogonal wedge angle;246.■工作心轴 work arbor;247.■工作信心 confidence in work;248.■工作行程 impulse stroke; operating stroke; working stroke;249.■工作性能 service behaviour;250.■工作性能检查周期 functional proof cycle;251.■工作许可证 work permit;252.■工作循环 {工管} duty cycle; duty-cycle operation; motive cycle; operating cycle; work cycle; exhaust cycle;253.■工作压力 working pressure; actuating pressure; operating pressure;254.■工作压强 working pressure;255.■工作研究 work study;256.■工作掩蔽 working mask;257.■工作厌恶 aphilopony;258.■工作样片 {摄} work print; dailies; rush print; {电影} rushes;259.■工作液体 hydraulic fluid; hydraulic medium; operating fluid;260.■工作液污染 contamination of working fluid;261.■工作因素 {工管} duty factor; job characteristic; job factor;262.■工作应力 {工} working stress; operating stress;263.■工作用纸 {纸} construction paper;264.■工作油缸 operating cylinder; slave ram;265.■工作油口 actuator port; working port;266.■工作语言 working language;267.■工作阈 operating threshold;268.■工作原理 operating principle; principle of operation; principle of work;269.■工作原理图 fundamental diagram;270.■工作载荷 service load;271.■工作早餐 working breakfast;272.■工作噪声温度 operating noise temperature;273.■工作责任制 job responsibility system;274.■工作轧辊 work roll;275.■工作正常情况 reference performance;276.■工作证 employee's card; I.D. card;277.■工作直径 working diameter;278.■工作值 working value;279.■工作指标卡 job sheet;280.■工作制 character of service;281.■工作质 {燃} as received basis;282.■工作中心 work centre;283.■工作重量 service weight;284.■工作重心 focus of work;285.■工作周期 {工管} work cycle; action cycle; duty period; occupation period; working period; work-up period; job cycle;286.■工作主剖面 working orthogonal plane;287.■工作主偏角 working cutting edge angle;288.■工作主切削刃 working major cutting edge;289.■工作主轴 work spindle;290.■工作转换开关 function switch;291.■工作状况 working condition;292.■工作状态 duty; functional mode; operating mode; operating conditions; modes of operation;293.■工作总结 work summary;294.■工作纵向剖面 working back plane (车刀的);295.■工作阻力 working resistance;296.■工作作风 style of work |
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