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词汇 可以
释义 可以可以[kě yǐ]1. (表示可能) can; may:你完全可以这么说。You may well say so.我可以一次借两本书吗?Can I borrow two books at a time?2. [口] (好; 不坏) passable; pretty good; not bad:她的日语(知识)还可以。She has a passable knowledge of Japanese.3. [口] (利害) awful:她那张嘴真可以。What a sharp tongue she has got!
常用词组1.可以接受 acceptable; agreeable;2.可以看出 it can be seen; it can be perceived;3.可以理解 understandable; explicit;4.可以允许 permissible; allowable;5.可以受理的抗辩 admissible plea;6.可以预订 bookable;7.可以证明 demonstrable; able to stand the proof; that can be proved;8.可以支付 as may be paid thereon




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